July Member Spotlight


Linda Girard has been a member of the Women’s City Club since the fall of 2013 when she joined during an ArtPrize promotion. She was impressed the house and the idea of a women’s club.


She likes the impromptu conversations at $2 Bucks Tuesday coffee time and during committee meetings. Linda is the current editor of the Bulletin, our monthly newsletter. This is a huge job and requires her to compile and edit information sent from committee members and Board members, send to the designer to be formatted and then receive back to send to the printer. When the newsletters are ready, she picks them up, applies mailing labels, sorts and prepares a complicated form required by the post office for mailing to our members. Linda manages this each month promptly and accurately on a predetermined schedule.

She is married to John and they have a 26-year-old daughter, Lauren, who is a school psychologist. They enjoy helping with their daughter’s dog Cooper, a golden doodle. Linda loves to read, walk, garden, and travel. They have a home on the lake shore near Holland which they are fixing up. She is a real estate agent with Rockford Realty, helping people buy and sell houses in the West Michigan area.

Linda has deep roots in West Michigan. One branch of her family was living near Holland before it was settled by Dutch immigrants from the Netherlands in 1847!

Linda is currently the president-elect of the Club. Her term will begin in 2021.