Women’s City Club members celebrated Women’s History Month on March 9 by donating “wish list“ items needed by the women residing at Grand Rapids Veterans Home. Our generous WCC members brought fleece jackets, flannel shirts, blankets and quilts, shampoo, toothbrushes, socks, snacks and puzzle books.
Volunteers spent over an hour at East Congregational Church packing all of the items in colorful bags. GVSU sent a photographer to film the event to be included in their public media documentary series: The Michigan Experience.
Tiffany Carr, director of Community Relations at the Home, was very appreciative of the 18 cart loads of our timely contributions. Tiffany stated that during the winter holidays donations are plentiful for the veterans, but it is during early spring and throughout the rest of the year organizations such as GRVH are still in need.
Our Community Outreach project for March is both meaningful and successful because of the tremendous support of our Women’s City Club community!