WCC members and instructor Carol Steele (3rd from the right in pink)
A quilting class with Carol Steele was the first creative class of 2022 on February 1. Participants did pieced quilting to make a hot pad and all were thrilled with the result! Experienced sewers brought their sewing machines and provided assistance as needed.
Member Barb Neuman works on her hot pad.
Women’s City Club member and talented artist, Lin Culver, led the next class on March 29. Using paint and stitchery participants created a personalized notebook/journal.
Tuesdays are Mah Jongg days! On May 3 the Mah Jongg players hosted a class for anyone who wanted to learn the game.
After a short time off over the summer, a Felted Cell Phone class was held on October 4. Led by Lin Culver, members created a beautiful sleeve to be used for cell phones or glasses. Amazing what can be done in an hour and a half!
The last class of 2022 was on November 1. Gift boxes crafted out of fabric proved a timely craft and inspired one of our members to make 25 of them on her own!
Notebook/journal class
Felting class
Christmas box class
Classes are held on the first Tuesdays of the month several times a year at East Congregational Church at 10:00 am. Do you have a skill to share? We’d love to learn about it!
Member Joyce Hawkins and her Christmas boxes!