Impact Award 2023 Winners Chosen!

LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW on Shelley Irwin’s Morning Show on WGVU!

The IMPACT Award was established in 2018 in honor of Hazel Whitaker Vanden Berg and the many members of the Women’s City Club who have been women of great influence who modeled the best qualities under difficult circumstances.

The IMPACT Award furthers our mission and provides support for students to pursue their own personal excellence.

The challenge to students is to describe the person who has been a role model in their lives. They can use any form of media, such as writing, photography, painting, poetry, drawing, a musical composition, or a song.

The 2 student winners of this year’s Impact Award were surprised on Monday, March 27 when Women’s City Club president, Linda Girard, told them that their entries had won. Union Principal, Aaron Roussey, expressed his pride in the students, saying that the 2 students couldn’t be more deserving of this honor.

Juniors, Terrell Daniels and Angela Perez-Velasquez, will each receive a cash award of $500 to use in any way that will help them take the next step in their lives to pursue their dreams.

Terrell wrote an essay about his father about whom he says, “My dad is my role model and it’s not just because he’s my dad. My dad is my hero because, throughout my life, my dad has given me comfort, advice, and reassurance, which has changed me as a person and allowed me to be the best I could possibly be.”

Angela created a painting to portray her inspiration from God. From her personal statement: “He’s the one who I go to because I know if He was able to change my life, He is in control of what will happen next and can help me. That is why I named my painting “Adonai” for it translates to “My Lord.”

The students will be honored at an Impart Award luncheon and presentation on April 20, 2023, at Kent Transition Center. The event will include their personal statements and comments from a Union High School principal about what the award means to their students.

Link to Impact Award page
