“Welcome to Women’s City Club!” This is the enthusiastic greeting I have heard many times since joining the Women’s City Club. It is a welcome that reminds me of the reasons I joined this longstanding institution. It’s the comradery of women learning and working together through the various resources and opportunities made available by the Women’s City Club. A welcome addition in my life, especially the Thursday Enrichment programs, Book Club and Mah Jongg! What a delight to share the different backgrounds and perspectives brought to all of these experiences, plus a cup of coffee and cookies at $2 Bucks Tuesday Coffee Time and knowing that you are contributing to other programs like the books donated by the Literacy Committee to DeVos Children’s Hospital.
There are many ways to come together and enjoy WCC, different activities that allow us to both give and receive. But to sustain these wonderful opportunities there must be a vision for the future. The sharing of ideas to build a sustainable future for WCC was the goal of the Vision 2020 discussions February 20, 2020. It was another learning experience for me as a new member to participate and learn from so many years of perspective as we forge ahead together.
There were ten questions presented to the members for discussion. Each question may have had a specific set of answers, but all ten questions dealt with the overall future of the WCC.
There were key words that came through all discussions. Inclusion and diversity, how can we bring this to the WCC? Defined both as age and cultural diversity, members discussed finding ways to make ourselves and perhaps some of our programs available and relevant to a younger and more diverse population of women. Members also reflected on the strong history and commitment from the Women’s City Club to civic, artistic and philanthropic activities.
“We are more than a social club!” was echoed by many members. How, then, to make our work known beyond and into the community at large. That there needs to be “focused, intentional forward thinking” was a goal that came from these discussions. And networking! We all bring something unique to the WCC as professional women with many gifts to share. Now let’s bring a friend, a contact, a new network to tap into so that we can continue to grow and encourage a community of women sharing together.